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ritratto laura villani architetto


  Nata a Torino ha due lauree in architettura a Firenze e a Houston, Texas. Visiting professor sull'industrial e l'exhibition design e sul ruolo economico della promozione culturale in università italiane ed estere, si occupa di architettura, restauro e interior design, di musei, alberghi, showroom, e residenze private, e di industrial design con collezioni esposte in gallerie e musei. Consulente per J.C.Penney, USA e Nichii, Mical Group, Japan, e per lo Spacelab NASA a Houston, ha ideato il Beauty Travel and Life Style, la prima fiera del lusso in Italia e a Pechino ha ideato tre edizioni del Made in Italy in the World. Ha realizzato sezioni collaterali di manifestazioni fieristiche leader europee ed mondiali ed ha curato sezioni dalla Biennale d'Arte, di Architettura e del Festival del Cinema di Venezia e il padiglione Italia della Biennale d'Arte Jugoslavia. Ha ideato premi di architettura quali Il Principe e l'Architetto sulla committenza illuminata e il TrE Tourism Real Estate Number One Award.   Born in Turin has two degrees in architecture in Florence and Houston, Texas. She is visiting professor on industrial and exhibition design and on the economic role of cultural promotion in Italian and foreign universities. She works in the architecture, restoration and interior design fields of museums, hotels, showrooms, and private residences, and in industrial design for collections exhibited in galleries and museums. Consultant for JCPenney, USA and Nichii, Michal Group, Japan, and the Spacelab NASA in Houston, conceived Beauty Travel and Life Style, the first fair on of luxury and in Beijing has developed three editions of Made in Italy in the World. She has made collateral sections of European and world leader fairs and dealt with sections of the Biennale of Art, Architecture and Film Festival in Venice and the Biennale of Art in Montenegro. She conceived architectural awards such as The Prince and the Architect on the client enlightened and Tourism Real Estate Number One Award.




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